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KGK Genix (Essex) Ltd.. Industry leading in how to bring young people on board.

Recently, we met with Matthew Walsh, Operations Director and Colette Cooper, Marketing Director of KGK Genix (Essex) Ltd, as they were keen to share their experiences of bringing young people into the print industry.

Saying we were 'impressed' is a massive understatement.

Their student programme is now entering it's third year and a short and concise summary of the outcome so far is:-

Total work experience and insight days given - 52

6 week paid internships- 6

Students taken on as full time employees - 3 (2 project managers and 1 pre-press department)

This is a truly inspiring outcome, from hard work and a firm belief that there are young people looking for roles that give them value and the chance to shine.

But, don't take my word for it, watch this short video:- Winners of the Student Retail Design and Careers Competition - KGK Genix

And if you need more information, contact Matt, Colette or any of the YPIP team.

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